Primary school courses
English language courses for primary school children take place in groups divided into those consisting of younger primary school students aged seven to ten and those consisting of older primary school students aged eleven to fourteen.
Effective language learning
The curricula of English courses for primary school children are harmonized with the official programmes of primary school education.
In classes, primary school students have the opportunity to, in addition to upgrading what they already know, expand their knowledge and gain a higher level of self-confidence in using a foreign language.
We motivate our students to use as many newly learned grammatical rules, words and expressions as they can during each class in order to be as free as possible and reach the highest possible level of knowledge.
Course description
Through regular training, we try to stay up to date with the most modern ways of learning a language, so that our students in our Centre gain relevant and usable knowledge using methods adapted to the requirements of their generation and the twenty-first century.
Learn with the best
Sign up for a free test and find out at what level your skills are, and then choose a course tailored just for you.
Commit to developing your language skills and step into a world of new possibilities.